Free Printable Home Inspection Worksheet

The Healthy Homes Inspection Checklist is a template that can be customized by a home inspector to suit their needs. The following templates are available for download for any InterNACHI member to use.

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20+ Printable Home Inspection Checklists (Word, PDF) Buying and selling a house is not an easy task, it is a serious business. Whether a house is newly built or an old one, home inspection is of paramount importance to both. Printable DIY Home Inspection Checklists. Download and use the attached free interior and exterior home inspection checklists to do your own home inspection.If you need help downloading the printable forms, check out these helpful tips. The Healthy Homes Inspection Checklist is a template that can be customized by a home inspector to suit their needs. The following templates are available for download for any InterNACHI member to use. Looking for free home inspection forms that you can count on? Whether you are buying, repairing or moving, we will have the perfect home inspection checklist for you here. We don't want to sound like a broken old record, but your home is your largest investment (and one that you will be paying for year after year).

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Septic system inspection field data worksheets & checklists, part 1:


Here are three detailed septic system field inspection and test worksheets to assist in inspecting and documenting the condition of septic systems. These septic inspection field worksheets are useful for recording information during the conduct of septic system inspections for investigations of the condition of a septic system using level 0, 1, and 2 septic inspections.

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Septic System Inspection and Testing Worksheets

This article is part of our series: Septic Systems Online Book procedures, defects in onsite waste disposal systems, septic tank problems, septic drainfield problems, checklists of system components and things to ask. Septic system maintenance and pumping schedules.

Worksheet for Septic Inspection Level 0 - Basic Information

[Click to enlarge any image]

Watch out: Anyone inspecting septic systems MUST be familiar with the hazards and safety concerns discussed


The two photos here illustrate how easily one can fall into a septic tank, cesspool, drywell, soakpit, or similar construct - an event that is usually fatal. If you think I'm exaggerating,


A surprising amount of useful diagnostic information about the condition of a septic tank and drainfield can be developedby a thoughtful visual inspection of the property even before any steps to test the septic system have begun.The two photos above show a case in which an old home-made septic tank was located just a few feet from a public lake.

You can see our septic test water pouring into the septic tank in the upper right part of the page top photo. The jumble ofstones visible just inside the septic 'tank' indicate that this is a home-made system, perhaps simply a cesspool.

With the nearby stream and lake just a few feet away, this system is unlikely to be acceptable by modern standards of sanitation and building code. Below we've printed our field data collection worksheets used for septic system inspection.

INSPECTION DATE:_____________________________________________________________

INSPECTION ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________

INSPECTOR's NAME:____________________________________________________________

CLIENT's NAME:_______________________________________________________________

The system was NOT INSPECTED because: _______________________________________

UNSAFE CONDITIONS OBSERVED, PEOPLE NOTIFIED: ________________________________


System Age: _______________________ Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

Recent Nr. Occupants: _____________ Year Round: Y/N Nr. Bedrooms:________

Currently Occupied: Y/N Vacant since:______________

Tank Last Pumped:__________________ Garbage Disposal: Y/N

Separate Drywell/Drain for Washer/Other:________________

Calculated or other Specific Flow or Load:___________________________________


LOCATION: Not Identified. Reported/observed at:________________

Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

TYPE: Not Identified. Reported/observed at:________________

Concrete/Steel/Other:_____________ Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

Septic Tank / Aerobic Tank / Grease Trap

Cesspool / Overflow Cesspool / Privy

Is System Shared: Y/N Previous Inspection Records Attached: Y/N

Damage/Defects Observed:________________________________________________

CAPACITY: Not Visible. Reported/observed at:________________

Gallons: _________________________ Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

COVER: Not Visible. Reported/observed at:________________

Concrete/Steel/Other:_____________ Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

Damage/Defects Observed: child-hazard, missing, not secure, damaged, __

AGE OF COMPONENTS: Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other



NOTICE: Low volume minimum-flush toilets/waste disposal system installed.

Additional Septic Inspection Notes for Mound Systems

If a septic mound system or raised bed septic system is installed, a pump may be required to move effluent from a pumping chamberup to the mound treatment area.

[Click to enlarge any image]

The presence of a septic mound will be quite obvious but thepresence or absence of a pump serving the mound may be less apparent. Look for control boxes,pumping chamber access cover, and of course request whatever information a prior owner may be ableto provide - but don't' rely on that data to be complete.


PUMP-Mound Not Visible. Reported/observed at:________________

Operating Satisfactorily Y/N Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

PUMP-Ejector Not Visible. Reported/observed at:________________

Operating Satisfactorily Y/N Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other


LOCATION: Not Identified. Reported/observed at:________________ Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

Damage/Defects Observed:________________________________________________

TYPE: Not Identified. Reported/observed at:________________

Cesspool Capacity:___________ Information Source: Seller/Realtor/Other

Seepage Bed Trench System Elevated Mound/Sand


Indications of previous failure: Odors, Seepage, Lush Vegetation,

  • Gray Water discharge. to surface/stream/storm drain;
  • Parking, driveway, runoff, shrubs, trees over drainfield;
  • Construction/additions over drainfield;






--SATISFACTORY-- good to fair conditionNo visual evidence of system failure, functional drain flow was observed.

Property Inspection Checklist Free Printable

EXPLANATION: At the time of our inspection the sewage disposal system appearedto be working normally and adequately. There was no evidence of stopped maindrains, no unusual septic odors.

[If a loading/dye test was NOT performed:] By your instruction, we did notperform a system loading and dye test. Important additional information aboutsystem condition is available from this and other levels of septic inspection.

  • [There was/was not evidence of recent excavation or repair - which suggests that additional questions to owner or investigation are in order.]

[If a loading/dye test was performed:] Report details of dye test procedures(see below), and results.


WATER run at:______________________ for __________ minutes prior to introducingtracer dye.

TRACER DYE placed at: ____________________________

WATER RUN at these fixtures:___________________________________________________

FOR ________________________ minutes at an ESTIMATED AVERAGE FLOW OF ______GPM


These photographs show three reasons to believe there is no working septic system at thisproperty and that installing one will be costly: there is no area on the site which isnot very rocky - there is a lack of soil for effluent treatment; the site is very steep, andeven before beginning the septic loading and dye test there is visible runout that maybe septic effluent coming from a tiny home-made septic tank.

The first photo (above left) shows waterrunning across rock near the reported septic tank location before we began our septicloading test.

This photo from the same location shows the increase in water running across this rock shortly after we began testing this septic system.




  • Description: _______________________________________________________________________________

---UNSATISFACTORY-- poor condition or nonfunctional

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Evidence of failure/improper operation was observed

  • System backup (system backs up into house)
  • System breakout (discharge or ponding of effluent on ground surface)
  • System blockage (system backs up and leaks at tank or distribution. box)
  • (static liquid level in distribution box above outlet)
  • (liquid level in cesspool less than 6' below invert or available volume less than 1/2 day flow)
  • Hydraulic overload (excess. water in absorption area, effluent @ surface)
  • (fields may be undersized, improperly located, damaged)
  • (fields may be improperly installed, unbalanced)
  • Maintenance failure (fields damaged by solids flowing from tank/tree roots)
  • Mechanical damage (driving over leach fields, damage piping/trenches)
  • Groundwater flowing onto/into/flooding absorption area
  • Mound systems: improper slope, insufficient soil layer, on flood plain,
  • less than 5' from property line,
  • less than 50' from stream; pump defects;

Other Septic System Defects Observed

  • (pumping multiple times during past year (e.g. less than 4))
  • (damaged tank, baffles, distribution box, other)
  • (Absorption system located in low/wet areas)
  • (Components within 50' of a surface stream, pond, river, or private well)
  • (Between 50 and 100' from a private well with no acceptable water analysis)
  • (Components within 100' of a tributary to a surface water supply)
  • (Too close to a public well (depends on state regulations.))
  • (Cesspool or privy within 50' of a protected wetland)



Continue reading at L-0 SEPTIC INSPECTION ADDITIONAL WORK SHEET or select a topic from closely-related articles below, or see our complete INDEX to RELATED ARTICLES below.

Or see these

Septic System Inspection Worksheets

  • SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION WORK SHEETS - 3 Septic inspection checklists & data recording sheets help define 3 levels of thoroughness of septic tank and field inspection & testing
    • LEVEL 0 SEPTIC INSPECTION WORK SHEET Septic inspection checklist for Level-0 basic septic system inspections
    • L-0 SEPTIC INSPECTION ADDITIONAL WORK SHEET Supplemental septic inspection checklist for Level-0 testing
    • LEVEL 1 SEPTIC INSPECTION WORK SHEET Septic inspection checklist for Level-1 septic system inspection

Septic System Inspection Articles

  • SEPTIC TANK GRASS or SNOWMELT - clues indicating septic system failure
  • Septic Tank Inspection Procedure for details of inspecting septic tanks themselves and a septic tank inspection checklist.
  • Septic Field Inspection Procedure for details of inspecting septic drainfields.
  • Septic Loading and Dye Test Procedure for the details of that process
  • Inspecting Onsite Waste Disposal Systems - Online septic system inspection Classroom Presentation
  • Inspecting, Testing, & Maintaining & Designing Residential Septic Systems - Septic Systems Online Book on this topic

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SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION WORK SHEETS at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.


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Books & Articles on Building & Environmental Inspection, Testing, Diagnosis, & Repair

  • Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the InspectAPedia Bookstore. Also see our Book Reviews - InspectAPedia.
  • Wells and Septic Systems, Alth, Max and Charlet, Rev. by S. Blackwell Duncan, $ 18.95; Tab Books 1992. We have found this text very useful for conventional well and septic systems design and maintenance --DF.Quoting an Amazon description:Here's all the information you need to build a well or septic system yourself - and save a lot of time, money, and frustration. S. Blackwell Duncan has thoroughly revised and updated this second edition of Wells and Septic Systems to conform to current codes and requirements. He also has expanded this national bestseller to include new material on well and septic installation, water storage and distribution, water treatment, ecological considerations, and septic systems for problem building sites.
  • The NSFC Products List has an excellent list of design manuals/modules available from their website or by telephone 800-624-8301
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  • Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: The firm provides professional home inspection services & home inspection education & publications. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors. Thanks to Alan Carson and Bob Dunlop, for permission for InspectAPedia to use text excerpts from The Home Reference Book & illustrations from The Illustrated Home. Carson Dunlop Associates' provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material.
    • The Illustrated Home illustrates construction details and building components, a reference for owners & inspectors.
      Special Offer: For a 5% discount on any number of copies of the Illustrated Home purchased as a single order Enter INSPECTAILL in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space.
    • TECHNICAL REFERENCE GUIDE to manufacturer's model and serial number information for heating and cooling equipment, useful for determining the age of heating boilers, furnaces, water heaters is provided by Carson Dunlop, Associates, Toronto - Carson Dunlop Weldon & Associates
      Special Offer: Carson Dunlop Associates offers InspectAPedia readers in the U.S.A. a 5% discount on any number of copies of the Technical Reference Guide purchased as a single order. Just enter INSPECTATRG in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space.
  • The Home Reference Book - the Encyclopedia of Homes, Carson Dunlop & Associates, Toronto, Ontario, 25th Ed., 2012, is a bound volume of more than 450 illustrated pages that assist home inspectors and home owners in the inspection and detection of problems on buildings. The text is intended as a reference guide to help building owners operate and maintain their home effectively. Field inspection worksheets are included at the back of the volume.
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  • Home Inspection Education Home Study Courses - ASHI@Home Training 10-course program.
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Publisher - Daniel Friedman