Weed Control Pdf

Chemical weed killers, when used properly, can be an effective component of an Integrated Pest Management program. Weed control with herbicides should be part of a larger lawn care program designed to encourage turf health and vigor and keep weeds to a minimum. Choosing the appropriate herbicide for your weed control needs can be a daunting task when faced with the sheer volume of products available at your local garden center or box store.

How Do Herbicides Work?

Herbicides can act upon a weed in two different ways. https://ninprojects.netlify.app/download-game-basara.html.

  • Pre-emergent herbicides act upon weed seeds, seedlings or form a barrier in the soil to prevent weed seed germination or establishment. Pre-emergents are usually used in the spring to prevent crabgrass seeds from establishing when the soil temperatures begin to warm up. A properly timed application can provide control for several months. Products like Dimension (ai-dithiopyr) and Pre-M (ai-pendimethalin) work at suppressing all seeds in the soil, so any re-seeding projects are out of the question for a few weeks. Tupersan (ai-siduron) is notable as the only pre-emergent herbicide with the ability to suppress crabgrass and be used in conjunction with grass seed.
  • Post-emergent herbicides work on actively growing weeds and can be further broken down into selective or non-selective categories.
    • Selective herbicides can be applied to a lawn and target weeds while having little effect on grass. Products containing the active ingredient 2,4-D, dicamba, and MCPP are commonly used to control a wide variety of broadleaf weeds. Grassy weeds and grass-like weeds can be harder to selectively target with herbicides. Products containing the fenoxaprop ethyl, dithiopyr, or quinclorac can be used for post-emergent crabgrass control. Some products may require repeated applications for effective control. Nutsedge is a particularly stubborn weed to eradicate in the lawn, the relatively new product Sedge Hammer (ai- halosulfuron), formerly known as Manage, is the only herbicide to successfully target both yellow and purple nutsedge.
    • Non-selective herbicides kill everything they come in contact with, including the lawn. Extra care must always be taken when handling non-selective herbicides to prevent spillage or accidents. The most popular non-selective herbicide is probably Round-Up (ai-glyphosate). Its new formulation Quick Pro adds the active ingredient diquat dibromide for fast-acting results within 24 hours. Non-selective herbicides tend to be used very sparingly in a lawn unless applied meticulously to individual weeds or wiping out an entire lawn due to be renovated.

How Are They Applied?

Herbicides are commonly applied in granular and liquid form. Granular herbicides are easily applied with a common push-type spreader and can come blended with a fertilizer. The downside of granular applications is that they must be broadcast over a large area, applying chemical in places that may not need it. Pre-emergent crabgrass control and 'weed and feed' products are common granular forms of herbicide. Liquid herbicides are diluted with water and sprayed onto the plant with a hand-held or backpack sprayer. Spot spraying broadleaf weeds, like dandelions or clover with a selective post-emergent herbicide, is effective and saves the lawn from excessive chemicals

Herbicide Safety

If you are opposed to chemical herbicides, an organic program may be right for you. Perhaps a few more weeds, but ultimately the safest lawn care regimen. If you are unopposed to chemical herbicides and want it done safely and correctly, hire licensed professionals to do any pesticide applications. The majority of pesticide contamination is done by homeowners.

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  • Weed Management Handbook. This handbook is designed as a quick and ready reference for weed control practices and herbicides used in various cropping systems or sites in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. This handbook will be useful to Extension agents, company field representatives, commercial spray applicators and consultants, herbicide dealers, teachers, and producers.
  • Weed Control Principles Importance of Weed Control Weed control is an essential part of all crop produc-tion systems. Weeds reduce yields by competing with crops for water, nutrients, and sunlight, and may directly reduce profits by hindering harvest operations, lowering crop quality, and producing chemicals which are harm.
  • Weed control within the first several weeks after crops are planted is critical in order to avoid a yield reduction from weeds. The effectiveness of any weed control program depends largely on timeliness of the control. Preventative, cultural, mechanical, and chemical weed management methods all are most effective if applied at the correct time.


Weed Control Service Near Me

  • Herbicide safety is always up for debate and it can be unsettling using such toxic chemicals so close to pets and children. Some people are upset that laws only require the active ingredient be listed on the label, while many of the other inert chemicals may also be harmful to our health. Municipalities have severely restricted or outlawed some herbicides and long-term exposure to herbicides is definitely a health risk. Leaching and contamination of groundwater are also problems associated with herbicide use.
  • If you take on the task yourself, read the label and follow the instructions to the letter. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and avoid broadcast applications unless absolutely necessary. Applying herbicides smartly can significantly reduce the risk associated with their use.

To control weeds effectively, select control methods carefully and use them properly. Chemicals, tillage, crop competition, crop-ping rotation, mowing, and fire are alternative weed control methods that may be used alone or in combination. Available time, labor, equipment, and other costs as well as types of weeds and areas in. This guide provides weed identification and control information that turfgrass professionals can use to develop effective weed control programs for golf courses, athletic fields, sod farms, lawns, and other turfgrass systems.

Horticultural Science
Publication Date
March 3, 2017
Joe Neal
Jeffrey Derr
Chris Marble
Andrew Senesac
Weed Control Pdf

Other Publications in 2017 Southeastern US Pest Control Guide for Nursery Crops and Landscape Plantings

Weed Control Pdf

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  • Weed Control

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This publication printed on: Oct. 07, 2019