Linux Pdf Text To Speech

Simon for Linux is what Siri is for iOS. Well, it’s probably not, but besides both having names starting with an “S”, they both listen to what you have to say. The difference is that Simon is a lot more controllable. It can be fully trained to recognize voice commands, which can be a useful aid for users with disabilities or even those who prefer to control their systems with their voices.

  1. Text To Speech
  2. Linux Text To Speech Pdf Files
  3. Pdf Text To Speech Reader
  4. Linux Pdf Text To Speech App
  5. Linux Text To Speech Software
  6. Festival Text To Speech Linux

Text To Speech

Google Text-To-Speech (TTS) on Linux. Espeak is one of the earliest TTS solutions on Linux. However, it’s dated and there is no substantial development or new voices for a while. We found a new TTS solution that uses Google’s speech synthesis system – Simple Google TTS. The tool can read a string or text file or standard input. Converts text, PDFs and e-books to Speech. TTSReader text to speech extracts the text from common files such as txt, pdf, epub and more. Want to listen to websites without having to copy their content to here? Then you should get our free extension for Chrome. People who prepare documents or who types more documents can use such tools to convert speech to text. These tools may make bloggers to create posts in less time. Good bloggers usually create genuine content on their blog. A person who have a better writing skill will not always have a better communication skill. SoundGecko is a web based Text To Speech engine. It allows you to listen to your favorite web articles, RSS Feed, Email etc as well as you can upload PDF files for converting it into a MP3 file which can be played. It has a free account which limits to 30 articles per day and for PDF it will read only first 100 pages. ESpeak is a command line tool for Linux that converts text to speech. This is a compact speech synthesizer that provides support to English and many other languages. It is written in C. ESpeak reads the text from the standard input or the input file. The voice generated, however, is nowhere close to a human voice. Mac OS X’s Text To Speech Feature Good news for Mac OS users if you have been wondering that you have fewer options that I have mentioned above only because you have already got the world’s best inbuilt TTS natural language talker sounding just like your Siri. Google Text to Speech. Google’s Text to Speech engine is a little different to Festival and Espeak. Your text is sent to Google’s servers to generate the speech file which is then returned to your Pi and played using mplayer. This means you will need an internet connection for it to work, but the speech quality is.

Simon is:

  • an open-source speech recognition program and replaces the mouse and keyboard.
  • designed to be very flexible and allows customization for any application where speech recognition is needed.
  • a potential European project of “e-inclusion” because of the language-independent programming.
  • in development for physically disabled people and seniors to give them the possibility to chat, write e-mails, surf the Internet, do Internet-banking and much more.


Getting Simon

Simon is written in Qt and depends on phonon, so it is probably best to install it on KDE (plasma)-based systems, unless you don’t mind ~300MB of dependencies being pulled in with the installation (on a Kubuntu 15.04 system, Simon only takes up 55 Mb). Simon is in the Ubuntu repositories, so installing it would be as easy as

on any Ubuntu-based distro. In Linux Mint (or in other distros), if you find that Simon cannot connect after installation, you will have to install libqt4-sql-lite

If you want to make use of HTK acoustic models, you also need to install the HTK. This is optional, and if you do not know what this means, or you just don’t need to use it, you can safely skip it. Unfortunately HTK is only available as source code, but these simple instructions will make the installations straightforward.

Simon Listens

Simon is not easy to set up or use. To help you make it listen to you, an assisted setup greets you on the first run, walking you through the process.

First you need to set up scenarios.

Scenarios are complete packages that will allow you to use Simon for specific purposes. They also provide what is known as a language model, describing all existing words and what sentences are grammatically correct, at least under the circumstances.

By default you only have a standard scenario installed. From this screen you can create or load more and even download some with the Simon addon-installer (“Open -> Download”).

Next you will need an acoustic or speech model. This basically tells Simon what the individual words sound like.

If you have HTK installed, you can create your own model and train Simon to recognise the very specific way you talk. If you do not have HTK or do not care to use it, you can download static base models (“Open Model -> Download”) which will provide Simon with predefined acoustic patterns.

If you go with a static model, you can choose to adapt it with training samples later.

On the server settings page, if you are going to install it locally and plan to use it regularly, you are safe to leave the default options on. If the server is located somewhere else, this is where you can define it.

You need to set up sound recording and playback devices,

test your microphone,

and you are ready to use Simon.

From the main screen, you can manage your loaded scenarios or open a specific one.

After opening a scenario, you can view and modify the vocabulary and grammar, train the acoustic model, modify the context dependence of the scenario, and set up direct commands.

The training wizard can also be started from the overview screen; you do not need to go into the scenario setting.

On the overview screen you also have the opportunity to change the audio (hardware) configuration or configure the acoustic (speech) model, including adding new ones.

Further help using Simon

Simon’s usage is far from straightforward. It takes a good amount of learning, training, and getting used to. Fortunately there is quite extensive documentation available online. The KDE userbase offers help with the basics, and the Simon Handbook is available as a PDF file. The Simon Listens blog provides some insight, too, although the posts are quite outdated (the last entry was 2013). The site offers some further reading, and you can learn about voice-controlled business solutions powered by Simon on their commercial webpage.

Although it might take some time to set up and master, Simon can transform any Linux (and even Windows) computer into a voice-controlled environment, be it special needs or just convenience you wish to use it for.


Active1 year, 1 month ago

I am looking for a way to convert text(string) in ENG to speech(sound) in anyone know for a way or some open-source lib that can help me with this task?

1,4195 gold badges18 silver badges22 bronze badges

6 Answers

You can use .NET lib(System.Speech.Synthesis).

According to Microsoft:


The System.Speech.Synthesis namespace contains classes that allow you to initialize and configure a speech synthesis engine, create prompts, generate speech, respond to events, and modify voice characteristics. Speech synthesis is often referred to as text-to-speech or TTS.

A speech synthesizer takes text as input and produces an audio stream as output. Speech synthesis is also referred to as text-to-speech (TTS).

A synthesizer must perform substantial analysis and processing to accurately convert a string of characters into an audio stream that sounds just as the words would be spoken. The easiest way to imagine how this works is to picture the front end and back end of a two-part system.

Text Analysis

The front end specializes in the analysis of text using natural language rules. It analyzes a string of characters to determine where the words are (which is easy to do in English, but not as easy in languages such as Chinese and Japanese). This front end also figures out grammatical details like functions and parts of speech. For instance, which words are proper nouns, numbers, and so forth; where sentences begin and end; whether a phrase is a question or a statement; and whether a statement is past, present, or future tense.

All of these elements are critical to the selection of appropriate pronunciations and intonations for words, phrases, and sentences. Consider that in English, a question usually ends with a rising pitch, or that the word 'read' is pronounced very differently depending on its tense. Clearly, understanding how a word or phrase is being used is a critical aspect of interpreting text into sound. To further complicate matters, the rules are slightly different for each language. So, as you can imagine, the front end must do some very sophisticated analysis.

Sound Generation

The back end has quite a different task. It takes the analysis done by the front end and, through some non-trivial analysis of its own, generates the appropriate sounds for the input text. Older synthesizers (and today's synthesizers with the smallest footprints) generate the individual sounds algorithmically, resulting in a very robotic sound. Modern synthesizers, such as the one in Windows Vista and Windows 7, use a database of sound segments built from hours and hours of recorded speech. The effectiveness of the back end depends on how good it is at selecting the appropriate sound segments for any given input and smoothly splicing them together.

Ready to Use

The text-to-speech capabilities described above are built into the Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, allowing applications to easily use this technology. This eliminates the need to create your own speech engines. You can invoke all of this processing with a single function call. See Speak the Contents of a String.

Linux Text To Speech Pdf Files

try this code:

One Man CrewOne Man Crew

Pdf Text To Speech Reader

8,1381 gold badge34 silver badges49 bronze badges

This functionality exists in the main Class Library in the System.Speech namespace. Particularly, look in System.Speech.Synthesis.

Note that you will likely need to add a reference to System.Speech.dll.

The SpeechSynthesizer class provides access to the functionality of a speech synthesis engine that is installed on the host computer. Installed speech synthesis engines are represented by a voice, for example Microsoft Anna. A SpeechSynthesizer instance initializes to the default voice. To configure a SpeechSynthesizer instance to use one of the other installed voices, call the SelectVoice or SelectVoiceByHints methods. To get information about which voices are installed, use the GetInstalledVoices method.

As with all MSDN documentation, there are code samples to use. The following is from the System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer class.

Linux Pdf Text To Speech App

DavidDavidLinux pdf text to speech
63.4k13 gold badges119 silver badges161 bronze badges
  • It'll be better choice to use 'SpeakAsync' because when 'Speak' function is executing/running none of other function will work until it finishes it's work (personally recommended)

Change VoiceGender
Change VoiceAge


Linux Text To Speech Software

Recently Google published Google Cloud Text To Speech.

.NET Client version of Google.Cloud.TextToSpeech can be found here:

Nuget: Install-Package JH.Google.Cloud.TextToSpeech.V1

Here is short example how to use the client:

Festival Text To Speech Linux

8,0412 gold badges30 silver badges53 bronze badges

You can do this with the help of System.Speech.Synthesis namespace. For that, you need to add a reference to System.speech.dll first.

Try this:


You can do that using System.Speech library. take a look at this example


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